Getting Your Pool Certified

There may be multiple reasons that you’re looking to have your pool fence certified, but the most common is because you are selling your home.


Rules regarding the certification of your pool are specified by the Government of South Australia. When selling your house with a pool built after 1st of July 1993, you are required to ensure that pool fencing safety requirements meet these requirements.


These rules for compliance are included in provisions of the Development Act 1993, Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 Building and Code of Australia. SPASA, the Swimming Pool and Spa Association, has developed a summary of pool fencing rules which can be accessed here:


The easiest way to ensure you are meeting your obligations is have your pool fence certified by an accredited professional. This will help to ensure that you officially have your pool legally certified for your own protection.


Urban Oasis is not a certified fence inspector… but the SPASA website has also a list of accredited pool certifiers can be easily found using the SPASA members database:


Using the database, you can search through a directory of accredited pool certifiers to ensure that your property is ready to go onto the market. Simply follow the steps listed on the web page to find a professional certifier who is convenient for you!

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